Lung cancer Symptoms
There are several types of lung cancers, some of which have distinct symptoms, while others are characterized by an absence of any kind of symptoms even in their most advanced stages. This absence of symptoms can make the already difficult task of detecting lung cancer even more difficult.
Here are some of the different types of lung cancer and some of the pertinent facts about each one of them.
The different types of lung cancer are categorized into two basic types: small cell and non-small. Mesothelioma is yet another kind of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs. Some of the more common symptoms include:
-Pain in the chest
-A persistent cough that is present for a long time
-Wheezing sound while breathing
-Shortness of breath
-Presence of blood in the sputum
-Unexplained weight loss
-Swelling in the face or neck area
Symptoms are typically unnoticeable especially during the early stages of the disease, making the detection of the disease even more complicated than ever and making it difficult to determine whether or not it is necessary to seek medical attention. In the absence of symptoms, knowing the risk factors for lung cancer could help you make a more informed decision.
Considering smoking is one of the major risk factors for contracting lung cancer, giving it up is the first step towards reducing the likelihood of getting any kind of lung cancer. Giving up smoking also lowers the risk of developing other forms of cancer including cancer of the larynx and the throat as well as other parts of the body. A sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet are the other common risk factors.
Studies reveal that almost three thousand people who are non-smokers develop lung cancer every year by inadvertently inhaling second-hand smoke. Unfortunately, despite the fact that no cigarette has touched their lips, they have the same susceptibility rate and the same symptoms as those who smoke.
If you or a loved one suspects the presence of any of the above-mentioned Lung Cancer
symptoms, a visit to the doctor is called for. The fast-multiplying and rapid-spreading nature of the disease, makes early detection all the more important. Though it may not exactly be life-saving, the earlier you detect the presence of any lung cancer symptoms the earlier treatment can be sought, increasing the chances of retarding the progress of the disease. Prevention is of course better than cure and knowing what the risk factors are can help you avoid them, thus lowering your odds of contracting the disease.
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