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Answer for Your Asbestos Questions,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 , Posted by Manusia Tidur at 1:34 AM

You have probably seen ads from on the television from lawyers regarding asbestos and how it is dangerous to your health. Many lawyers have filed lawsuits regarding workers who were injured while working around it.

Many people do not have any idea what it is and where it can be found. In actuality it is found in many places and chances are you have been in buildings where it was used.

Those tiny microscopic fibers can cause quite a bit of damage if they are disturbed. That is why it is of the utmost importance that you know how it works, where it can be found and how you can safely remove it from your building, school or house. In this article we will cover the basics of asbestos and hopefully you will find the information that you are looking for.

Where is asbestos found?

Asbestos is found naturally in some rock formations but you are probably more interested in the applications that it is used in such as for building materials. It can be found in tiles, acoustic rooms, insulation, asbestos concrete and clothing.

It is used where places need to be heat resistant, sound resistant or chemical resistant. It has a wide application of uses and is found in many buildings that were built prior to the 1990's when information about the deadly effects of asbestos became known.

Is it harmful to my health?

Yes, it is very harmful to your health. When the asbestos containing material becomes damaged it releases the asbestos fibers into the air. You then breathe in these fibers into your lungs. There are three different types of problems that can then arise from breathing in these particles: mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis.

These are serious problems that can prove deadly quickly. All three come as a direct result from breathing in the asbestos fibers when the asbestos material has been broken down.

How does the EPA regulate asbestos?

The Environmental Protection Agency has several ways it regulates asbestos materials found in homes, offices, schools and public buildings. It may be through the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances or it could be through the Office of Air and Radiation/Office of Air Quality Planning Standards. The EPA has several government offices that can step in to regulate how it is used and more importantly how it is removed and disposed of properly.

Is asbestos really found in schools?

Modern school buildings do not contain asbestos containing materials but older buildings definitely do contain it. Many schools are making the change and removing asbestos containing materials from their school grounds as a way to keep kids and workers safer.

The same thing goes for older houses and public buildings. For those places that do not want to undergo the cost for asbestos removal or if the need still prevails for it to be used then a procedure for maintaining the building material is put into place. It is not harmful if it is not disturbed or damaged. Should it become damaged then removal would be the safest option.

Educate yourself further about asbestos from Mike Selvon articles portal. Your feedback is valued and appreciated at our asbestos removal blog where a free audio gift awaits you.

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